Writers: A Room of Our Own

by Polly Whitney

Home Forums Free Publicity (KABOOM!) APRIL, MAYBE JUNE launched!

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Shalanna 9 years, 1 month ago.

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    If you like contemporary YA urban fantasy, or like “Girl Genius” stuff, then APRIL, MAYBE JUNE by Shalanna Collins is to your taste. Are you ready for a short, faster-paced fantasy/adventure that’s good for young adults as well as grown-ups who have never lost that sense of wonder? If you liked How to Buy a Love of Reading or the Millicent Min books with a first-person genius girl narrator, this is your cuppa.

    April Bliss (yes, she gets teased for her name) is a precocious teen girl genius with a sister who is a year and a half older and even smarter. Of course April knows she’s smart and funny–but not necessarily in the ways that she believes she is. Her life has been on an even keel until the day the police show up at their mansion and their family is thrown into chaos. Never mind that June slips on a magic ring and goes wild, or that April finds a magic book that shows her alarming pictures. They’ve got to rescue their cousin Arlene from a renegade coven of evil witches–or is that a double-cross?

    Train scenes! Magic! Kidnapping! Crazy family! And lots more.

    Author Pamela Dean reviews it: “April is a delightful narrator, both witty and unintentionally funny, one of those kids people sometimes say were “born old,” but young and earnest and energetic too. She is fiercely loyal to family and takes this loyalty to its logical conclusion in a twisty magical plot full of both humor and terror.”

    It could go viral and be the American Girl equivalent of Harry Potter! Well, maybe Lemony Snicket? Would you believe . . . Twilight??

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